Synopsis: A physical therapist falls for the basketball player she is helping recover from a career-threatening injury.”Just Wright” revolves around a sports trainer (Latifah) who finds herself falling in love with a professional basketball player (Common) while rehabilitating him from a career threatening injury. Things are further complicated because her closest friend (Patton) is also pursuing him.
Dangal has managed to enter in 100 crore club in just 3 days, Dangal… Shibani Dandekar looks absolutely hot on the cover of Maxim India Magazine India…
Here’s presenting the trailer of the much-awaited movie Half Girlfriend. Starring Arjun Kapoor as Madhav…
Thor: Ragnarok will feature the return of Chris Hemsworth as the God of Thunder himself,…
Chapter three sums up Bindu for me! She is this mad girl who just wants…
Anushka Sharma both looks absolutely hot on the cover of Femina India Magazine India April…